Monday, June 9, 2008

Some stuff

Tonight I went and saw some film-noir westerns at the New Beverly. The films were Ramrod and Station West. I figure if I record them here, I might be able to give Mar a list of the westerns and/or zombie films I see and use my budget for them. Here's wishful thinking.

Anyway, I enjoyed the movies enough considering I was zoning out a lot of the time in order to think about my film. Here are some things I thought about: I'm changing the cowboy and damsel's outfits slightly just because I can and because I think I know how to make them look better. I considered making the movie black and white with some grainy stuff and editing errors, but I decided that was gimmicky and stupid. Good for me. I have some ideas for the actual town layout now, and that's a plus.

Also, I was watching my Simpsons DVDs today, as I am wont to do, and I watched an old animatic extra they had for 'Homer's Triple Bypass'. The main screen was the keyframes for the episode, and I think that's what my goal is this summer - to keyframe my film. Or most of it. As much as I can. I figure that the animatic doesn't do the action justice, and, seeing as how it's an action movie, no one is going to really get what I'm planning until I have the action mapped out. I don't think I even understand my action fully yet. Timing is so important that I may as well try and picture lock the film as soon as I can, right? Right.

This blog sure is word-heavy. I think I'll try to add some eye candy really soon. So many drawings to do and scan. I might be in over my head. I know I was planning to wait until after college to develop a mental disorder, but the thing could trick me and come early.


Sheila said...


Key framing the film is a really good idea. It's a LOT of work, but it will also help you catch any continuity errors. That is the sort of thing you usually notice only after the animation is done.

Can you post your new designs?

Hang in there- I think you're making god progress!

Sheila said...

I mean... "good" progress... sorry.