Wednesday, January 21, 2009

1/21 Animatic

Here's my latest animatic. I'm not just posting individual clips because I've changed the story (sort of...not really), and I need any composers and sound designers I direct to the blog to see the latest version in its entirety. All I really did was have the cowboy grab for the hat instead of just dropping the damsel before the train wreck. I'll change his face to look less dumb when I'm doing cleanup. It's not worth the time right now.

Otherwise, I added a shot after the train wreck, too. The cowboy jumps back to the old position when the train goes by because I was too lazy to actually reshoot the entire thing (with all that debris flying around, I don't think I can be blamed), so just know that he'll stay in the same position the entire time. Cool. The transition is sloppy, but so was my editing job.

I guess I didn't export the entire thing because the last like 10 seconds are cut off from this. Oh well, all the new stuff is way earlier anyway . To any potential sound designers or composers, the last ten seconds are on the video two posts below this one. He just shows off his hat and then rides off into the sunset.

2009 Animatic from Carder Scholin on Vimeo.


Emily said...

Does the shot at 2:29 break the 180ยบ rule? it feels like it does to me.

Sheila said...

You're right, Emily- he should be screen right in that shot.

You may want to hold a beat longer on the hat at 1:18 before cutting to the long shot.

If you run out of time there are still a couple of scenes you could cut if you had to.

Good work!