Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February 4th's update

So, guys, here's what I've done for the past two weeks. Not all the shots in this clip are new, but maybe you ("you" meaning the zero people who actually read this) will realize which shots are the newer ones. The run time is around 3:49 now, which is great for me. Three more weeks of actual animation left!! Picture lock by February 26!!!!!!!!!!! That's going to be so hard.

The reason I'm picture locking then is because Bethany Sparks has graciously agreed to do my sound for a paltry $500. That makes me nervous, but only because I'm anal retentive and that means I'm giving something major about my film over to someone else. I'll be happy about it later. My friend Alex has agreed to do the music (with the help of our friend Duncan) for $200 (or more depending on work load). That's also great. Wowee.

Anyway, here's the stuff. Note: I realize that there are two shots where the guy puts his hand on his head (when he sits up and then the shot where he runs his hand through his hair). During cleanup, the hand won't be there as he sits up.

0204 Segment from Carder Scholin on Vimeo.


Victor said...

You've been busy. Cool shakey hand.

Daniela said...

I like the part when he realizes that his hat is gone in the beginning (a real "oy vey!" moment). and also the flying intestines.

Sheila said...

Hi Carder- this looks great! I wonder if he could squint or blink when the one tear slides down his face?

The zoom into the zombie woman could be a little faster.

Also, as I think I mentioned before, when he shoots the zombie woman the cut is a little awkward.

Nice work!