Monday, September 1, 2008

Final revision

This is it. My final storyboard revision. Ok, maybe not my final one, but the last one I'm allowing myself to do because I have got to start animating this week. I'm thinking my first few shots will be easier ones, just to get back into the swing of things. Example: the shot of the cowboy looking smug and then realizing the damsel is still on the tracks. I also really want to animate the ending with the big hat, though. Note: it's going to be a lot bigger and more ostentatious than what it appears to be in the animatic. I just got lazy or whatever.

Also note: the section where the cowboy is running through the zombies after his hat is going to be a pan, not just a shot of him running in and out of frame. Or it could just be a shot of him running in and out of frame if I get pressed for time. I'm not picky.

Here's the new animatic, I hope it fixes all my problems and is a miracle film:

Untitled from Carder Scholin on Vimeo.

I'm excited to start animating, but then I realize how much I have to do so I get scared and sort of freeze up. I'm going to assume that's natural. I think there are probably even more cuts to make to my story, which is always a positive thing.

My next non-animation related goal for this film is to draw out a sheet of paper with various angles and poses of both the cowboy's hat and his gun(s). More like gun since the guns are the same thing.


Victor said...

It's pretty much there, I think.

Time to start animating, bud.

Daniela said...


Sheila said...

This is getting better, Carder. I think you need to prioritize your shots in case you run out of time. I still think the shot of his arm falling down is not working (which Dave also mentioned in his comments.) I like Dave's idea of him shooting the zombie and missing, then he puts his hat on and he shoots perfectly. That would be much clearer to me.

I agree with Victor that you need to start animating. The story will probably continue to evolve as you edit your animation together- some things will clearly work and others might not.

It IS natural to freeze up when you realize how much work there is to do. Part of the advantage of making a schedule is that you set small goals for yourself and do not keep looking at the "big picture." That can be intimidating. As long as you manage your time well this year then you can finish. That means you need to start animating NOW, though!

davidbfain said...

I tried to leave this comment before but perhaps neglected to click something...

I still think the moment when the girl takes off the cowboy's hat has to reveal the fact that the cowboy needs (or thinks he needs) the hat.

If it be that he has a receding hairline, is completely bald, or has another little smaller head growing out of his regular head it doesn't matter.

Ok, the thing with the hand. Is he injured? Tired? paralyzed? When/how did this happen? And why how does putting his hat on fix it?

The new stuff with the hat flying off thru the groups of zombies is nice.

I don't understand why he doesn't just shoot the female zombie, before he puts the hat on. What does the hat do for him? Why does he need it? Why should we care about it?

As a hero, the cowboy leaves a bit to be desired; he kills the woman he is trying to save, causes a train wreck and doesn't even bother to look for survivors, and in a sense causes the plague of zombies to happen. Hardly a glowing resume.

I'm just saying our ability to empathize with this character may be limited by these facts.